- Wegagen Bank Launches Pre-Paid Visa International Payment Card;
- Wegagen Bank, in partnership with Visa Inc, has officially launched its International Pre-Paid Visa card service that enables customers of the Bank, embassy staff, and international organization employees to make global payments without the need to carry
The launch ceremony was held at the Planet Hotel, Mekelle and was attended by the guest of honor, Head of the Bureau of Culture and
Tourism under the Interim Administration of Tigray, Atsbeha G/Egziabher (PhD), the Bank’s Board of Directors & Senior Management, Visa Inc. representatives, members of the Ethiopian Diaspora, Bank’s customers and other distinguished guests attended the event.
Atsbeha G/Egziabher (PhD), the esteemed guest of honor, urged the Ethiopian diaspora to actively participate in the region’s tourism and
investment opportunities. He also commended Wegagen Bank on its international prepaid Visa card services and further exclaimed that the
Bank should strive to advance its digital banking solutions.
Solomon Tesfaye, Deputy Chief Executive Officer- Technology of Wegagen Bank’s, stated that Wegagen Pre-Paid Visa International Card allows customers to transfer funds and make payments at ATMs and Point-of-Sale (POS) machines worldwide. He also remarked that this service will enable customers to conduct online e-commerce transactions seamlessly.
Moreover, Solomon stipulated that Wegagen Visa pre-paid International Card serves as an alternative digital means of sending money from abroad to loved ones via top-ups.
The country manager of Visa Inc, Ato Yared Endale, emphasized that digital transformation will be a key driver of economic growth and
stated that Visa Inc has set up local operations in Ethiopia, one of 10 offices across Africa, so as to support and strengthen the local financial ecosystems by promoting inclusive, equitable, and sustainable economic growth in Ethiopia.
Ato Yared highlighted that the Visa card enables individuals to fully engage in the mainstream economy by broadening access to international financial services and offering convenient global payment options.He added that Visa Inc. is committed to collaborating with.
Wegagen Bank to avail a range of digital services accessible to the community.Wegagen Bank first commenced operation on June 11, 1997 with a paid up capital of 30 million Birr raised by 16 investors.
Currently, the Bank’s paid up capital reached over Birr 5 billion, and its total capital grew to Birr 10 billion.In addition to its conventional and interest-free Wegagen Amana banking services offered through 438 branches nationwide,Wegagen Bank also provides plethora of digital services to its customers that are accessible via 385 ATMs, 430 point-of-sale (POS) machines, 4,800 agents, as well as through internet
and mobile banking platforms.
It is to be recalled that Wegagen Bank has recently launched a digital loan service application called Efoyta,designed to support citizens involved in micro, small, and medium enterprises by providing easy access to credit services.