Stanbic Bank Kenya has joined other Financial Institutions on Global Compact Network Kenya (GCNK) which was witnesed by Executive Director, Judy Njino in the signing of the commitment to sustainability
Led by CEO, Dr. Joshua Oigara, Stanbic also unveiled its 2022 sustainability report which outlines the bank’s sustainability journey & strategy. The report also documents the company’s sustainability related progress and performance in both Kenya and South Sudan.
This makes Stanbic Bank Kenya the 7th Tier 1 Bank in Kenya to join the United Nations Global Compact movement and links up with 23,000 other leading companies in 162 countries.
The United Nations Global Compact is a call to companies everywhere to align their business strategies and operations with Ten universal Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.
Ms. Njino called on other businesses to emulate Stanbic Bank Kenya and prioritize sustainability. With this, they will be better placed for long-term success as they will be well positioned to create a more sustainable and equitable future for their stakeholders.
The event was graced by Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) CEO Geoffrey Odundo who challenged businesses to functionalise sustainability by having a sustainability strategy.
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