M.P. Shah Hospital has officially joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) as part of its bid to promote a healthier future across the East and Central Africa. In attendance at the MoU signing ceremony were the chief guest, Ms. Judy Njino, Executive Director of Global Compact Network Kenya, M.P. Shah Hospital Board Members, and other notable guests.
“It has been three years of working on our hospital being a pollution-free through our Green365 program. This partnership therefore shows our commitment to better the lives of the community we live in, and as leaders we are in full support of these initiatives.” Said Dr. Manoj Shah, the Board chairman of M.P. Shah Hospital.
The UN Global Compact engages with businesses around the world to develop policies and programmes to address the pressing societal challenges to realize a more transparent global economy.
In signing up to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, M.P. Shah Hospital commits to work against corruption in all its forms, embrace environmental protection, support, and respect the protection of human rights and eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
“The M P Shah Hospital joins leading businesses leveraging healthcare opportunities to not only uphold their basic responsibilities to people and planet, but also set the stage for long-term success. The strides made today by the Hospital demonstrate its leadership commitment towards supporting the global goals as well as the government’s Big 4 Agenda on Universal Healthcare coverage.” Said Ms. Judy Njino, Executive Director of Global Compact Network Kenya during the official signing ceremony.
“Creating a sustainable future means being affordable to our government, citizens, patients, and creating value for all our stakeholders. We have launched various policies focused on prevention and wellness, aimed at changing the trajectory of health systems and promote universal health coverage,” Said Dr. Toseef Din, CEO of M.P. Shah Hospital.The private sector has a special responsibility in their collective effort to build a sustainable, net-zero, resilient and equitable world, and to act on their pledges of corporate sustainability initiatives with credible timelines, targets, and plans. The M.P. Shah Hospital, through this MOU, joins over 15,000 other corporates from over 160 countries committed to advancing principles of responsible and sustainable business.