Taxi-hailing company, LittleApp has launched its operations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia making it the fifth country it operates in after Kenya, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.
Last year, the company had revealed that it would invest $5million in the Ethiopian market for the next five years with a provision to inject an extra $5 million based on the growth projections.’‘When we saw Safaricom heading to Ethiopia, we got the courage to get there. It is a large market and we see an opportunity to extend our services there ‘‘.Said Kamal Budhabhatti the Chief Executive Officer of Little
The company seeks to recruit 2,000 drivers targeting corporates and individual customers with plans to later launch food delivery, and outside Addis Ababa.
Further, LittleApp will partner with State-run Ethio Telecom which recently launched a mobile money financial service dubbed telebirr.