- Implementation of Social Health Authority (SHA)
The Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral and Research Hospital (KUTRRH) has successfully began implementing the newly launched Social Health Authority (SHA), a key initiative by the Ministry of Health aimed at reducing healthcare costs and promoting universal health coverage across the country.
In a recent walk-through by the Hospital’s Management, the team reviewed the implementation of SHA across all service areas, assisting patients in registering and ensuring a smooth transition to the new system.
The Hospital has already recorded significant benefits under SHA, particularly in critical departments such as Endoscopy, Renal, and Chemotherapy.
61 chemotherapy patients, 39 dialysis patients and 10 patients in the Endoscopy unit, among others, have received care fully covered by SHA, with their bills covered through the newly rolled-out scheme.
KUTRRH has established Help Desks at all Customer Care Units across the hospital to guide patients on the SHA registration process.
These efforts are aimed at ensuring a seamless experience for all our clients as we strive to improve access to affordable healthcare.
The Hospital remains committed to addressing any challenges that arise during the rollout on a case-by-case basis.
We are focused on the successful implementation of SHA, as it represents a significant milestone in providing quality, patient-centered care.
We encourage all Kenyans to register for SHA in large numbers to take advantage of this opportunity, to reduce healthcare costs and ensure access to critical medical services.
KUTRRH assures the public that no patient will be denied healthcare services at our facility, as we continue to provide cutting-edge, quality healthcare.
The Social Health Authority is established under section 25 of the Act and is utilized to pool all contributions made under the Act.
SHA is designed to provide healthcare services from empaneled and contracted healthcare providers and healthcare facilities on referral from primary health facilities.
The Social Health Authority ensures that every resident in Kenya can access a comprehensive range of quality health services they need without the burden of financial hardship.
The benefits under the Social Health Authority include Preventive, Promotive, Curative, Rehabilitative and Palliative health services. These are provided at level 4, 5, and 6 health facilities under the fund.