Among the issues deliberated on include the issuance of Certificates of Origin to manufactured products that conform to the East African Community (EAC) Rules of Origin.{Photo/KAM}
Kenya Association of Manufacturers(KAM) paid a courtesy call to KRA Ag. Commissioner, Customs and Border Control, Ms Pamela Ahago to deliberate on matters trade facilitation.
Among the issues deliberated on include the issuance of Certificates of Origin to manufactured products that conform to the East African Community (EAC) Rules of Origin.
KAM Deputy Head of Policy, Research and Advocacy,Miriam Bomett observed that, “The East African Community (EAC) Duty Remission Scheme is an incentive granted to manufacturers in the EAC Region who import inputs and raw materials for manufacturing activities.”
To enhance export competitiveness, Ms Bomett noted that, “The Duty Remission Scheme (DRS) enables manufacturers to export to COMESA, EU, AGOA and other markets out of the EAC. With the advent of Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA), we expect that there will be increased use of duty remission to take up opportunities in these markets.”
On the issue of non-issuance of the Certificate of Origin, KRA noted that, “If we want to access EAC and other markets, we should be able to convince our trade partners that we are exporting duty paid goods. Our concerns are issuing certificates and having them recalled because the exports are under DRS.”
KRA Ag. Commissioner, Customs and Border Control, Ms Pamela Ahago added that, “At KRA we have to protect interests of manufacturers because they are job creators. When issuing Certificates of Origin, we need to attach documents showing entries where duty was paid during importation, and this needs a close collaboration between KRA and manufacturers.”