Philip Lopokoiyit, CEO ICEA LION Insurance Holdings and Group CEO, ICEA LION Group
The Board of ICEA LION Insurance Holdings Ltd is pleased to announce the substantive appointment of Philip Lopokoiyit as Chief Executive Officer ICEA LION Insurance Holdings and Group Chief Executive Officer ICEA LION Group. Following this appointment, the Board of ICEA LION General Insurance Company Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Godfrey Kioi to succeed Philip as the Chief Executive Officer and Principal Officer of the Company, having obtained regulatory approval.

Godfrey will report to the new role on Monday, 7 October 2024.
Godfrey Kioi is the immediate past Managing Director of the Heritage Insurance Company Kenya Limited, part of the Liberty Group. His working career dates back to 1987, when he worked as an external auditor before taking up senior roles in finance, accounting, and audit across a number of manufacturing concerns.
In 1997, he made his debut in the Insurance industry and had a short stint at the then Insurance Company of East Africa Limited (now ICEA LION Life Assurance) as Chief Accountant before joining the then Pan Africa Insurance Company Limited (now Sanlam Life Assurance) as General Manager in charge of Finance and Investments.
Over the years, Godfrey held other senior positions in the insurance and banking industries before his appointment at Heritage Insurance in 2014.

Commenting on the appointment, the Board stated: “The Board welcomes Godfrey to the ICEA LION Group and looks forward to seeing ICEA LION General continue serving its customers’ needs to the highest standards whilst growing profitably under his leadership of the General Team’’.
Godfrey is a member of both the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya and Institute of Certified Secretaries. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
The Board also appreciates the immense contribution of Philip in transforming the ICEA LION General Strategy, leadership and business performance whilst also overseeing the Group role.
Philip will continue to be available to support the General business from his Group role to ensure a seamless transition.“The Board is confident that with these appointments, together with the recent appointment of Catherine Karimi to the role of Chief Executive Officer and Principal Officer of ICEA LION Life Assurance, the ICEA LION Group will continue to sustain the business momentum and growth agenda into the future’’.