A controversy last rose when the big four tech giants Google ,Amazon,Facebook and Apple were subjected to a white house judiciary committee led by the democrats in Congress to explain predicaments of monopolisation.The companies were accused of having too much power like the oil and rail industry in the hey days of the 18th century.The four CEOS who run these tech giants denied allegations of monopolisation and were heavily fined for their lack of ethics.[photo/Courtesy}
Tweaking traditional concepts of doing things has been replaced by technology but at what point does monopoly come in?.According to Wikipedia Monopolisation refers to attempts by a dominant firm or group of relatively large firms to maintain or increase market control through various anti competitive
practices such as predatory pricing, pre-emption of facilities, and foreclosure of competition.In the 21 st century technology seems to be in control of each and every sector in the world. One cannot do anything without being tech centric and that makes them a democracy in their own making.With their outstanding performance in the stock exchange how far before government systems say they have had it.At what point does monopolization of tech companies become a problem?
In the last decade tech industries have been thriving on cut throat profits using data analytics tools to wipe out competition.With huge market scopes their power seems to be unbeatable.These Companies are a buy and halt process when it comes to competition.They buy their competition and no innovations forms further leading to unfair marketing practices.A company like Fcebook is an example of a monopoly status symbol.After their acquiring of watsapp while still owning messenger leaves no room for competition on messaging platfroms.These companies seem to practice a lot of unethical practices just to stay in the market.A deep study into them and you will find their competitors are in a downward spiral of demand.
A controversy last rose when the big four tech giants Google ,Amazon,Facebook and Apple were
subjected to a white house judiciary committee led by the democrats in Congress to explain predicaments of monopolisation.The companies were accused of having too much power like the oil and rail industry in the hey days of the 18th century.The four CEOS who run these tech giants denied allegations of monopolisation and were heavily fined for their lack of ethics.
New industry territories like artificial intelligence have been a favorite for these companies where one is
able to predict data leaving their rival competitors in the wind.As stated in built-in beta, a company that
provides AI services, Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science concerned with building
smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. This definition
clearly tells you that tasks that are human oriented are being replaced by machines.The monopolistic
companies have formed a habit of buying companies that offer these services and collect data that is used by the human community making the market completely predictable to them.Their related industries in social media,e commerce and advertising have basically fallen off their perches when it comes to market share and revenue. A continued downward fall has led to lawsuits front, left and center.
These Artificial intelligence companies have structured algorithms which can predict anything by using data points which leads to easy access of wins in the markets
How to deal with these companies;
To come up with a solution we have to uphold anti trust laws to curb inequalities in the market.Having
more funding for anti trust law agencies should be a priority.It gives these agencies an easy go ahead to
deal with monoplisation.If we have a systematic pursuit of competition becomes democratic. They should also break down these companies to structural operations and dissaprove competition on companies that are comparable to them.This gives an opportunity for other industry players an access to the market share or in tech terms as they call it & access to users& Avoidance of mergers and acquisitions in the same industry for tech companies should be prohibited.This will allow a fair share game within the market.Prices also should be regulated.The cost of a service depends on the average cost ,the total cost divided by the output.If competition becomes unethical monopolists usually determine market prices.Regulation on pricing should be put forth to discourage tech companies from taking advantage of how to price their products and services.
To avert biasness they should be requested to scale down their business models to maintain better
relations in the market.If their business models predict the market competition becomes obsolete leaving their rivals hanging in the noose. Limitation of advertising of these companies should also be
suggested.We should not allow too much advert dominace on these digital platforms.Their should be a
limit as to how much they can allowed to share adverts.
Share of data to small companies should also be a priority.If these tech giants share some data with other
small players they have a chance for market share too.Interporebility of data should be a key component
especially to social media platforms when trying to reduce monopolisation.Sharing of data reduces
dominance. A drift into small players gaining a piece of pie in the tech industry leads to better levels of

We can clearly conclude that monopolization will continue if government systems all over the world do
not put up stringent policies to curb the process.For a systematic pursuit, all companies should be given
a fair share gain in the market. Future should not be determined by a few jargons in the market. As it is
the nature of history to repeat itself, monopolies should be broken and global collaboration should
come into play.