Equity Bank has partnered with Murang’a County to provide interventions in agriculture, healthcare, trade and youth employment.I
n a Memorandum of Understanding signed by Murang’a County Governor Dr. Irungu Kang’ata and Equity Group Managing Director and CEO Dr. James Mwangi, Equity will extend financial solutions to farmers, businesses, traders in the agricultural sector, cooperatives, youth in agribusiness and farmer-based organizations.
“This collaboration allows us to tap into Equity’s extensive knowledge and immense financial resources to unlock our full potential in key areas such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, agriculture and youth employment through the Murang’a County Youth Service initiative,” said the Governor
“Murang’a County’s rich agricultural lands have positioned it as a key supplier of food to Nairobi and its environs.
This collaboration will not only support the county’s development but also open doors for even greater opportunities,” said Dr. Mwangi.
Equity Group Chairman Prof. Isaac Macharia recognized the progress Murang’a County has made emerging top in many key areas that drive national economic growth.
This collaboration will play a key role in capacitating and addressing working capital needs for farmers, youth and businesses, financing agricultural assets and equipment acquisition, livestock purchases, storage facility setup, the adoption of modern agricultural technologies and value addition.

Murang’a County emerged the best-performing county in Kenya, according to a recent County Index released by InfoTrak on Tuesday.
The county earned a score of 52 per cent, with Governor Irungu Kang’ata ranked as the top governor in the country with a 68 per cent approval rating.