Fatma Elmaawy,Kenya National Chambers of Commerce Industries (KNCCI) 2nd Vice President and the CEO of Milestones Resource Solutions{Photo/Courtesy}
The Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and its partners launched the Integrity Champions Network initiative to stem systemic and institutionalised corruption during a conference on the promotion of ethics, good governance and the fight against corruption.
The conference, that was hosted by CIPE together with its core implementing partners Milestones Resource Solutions, Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) and Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) Foundation sought to create an enabling environment for businesses by identifying corruption risks and inculcating ethics & integrity in businesses.
“To truly overcome systemic corruption, we need to aim for a fundamental change in mindsets, one which rejects corruption at every level. We must send that message to the people we serve, through this conference and through our actions,” CIPE Regional Director Lars Benson said.
Speaking during the event, CIPE Kenya Representative Ben Kiragu said the impact of corruption does not spare the private sector.Through the Ethics 1st initiative and Integrity Champions Network, CIPE aims to connect the stakeholders who can change the business landscape to enable greater business accountability and integrity.
Integrity in business is becoming a global norm. Yet, many Kenyan companies do not fully understand applicable laws and do not know how to protect themselves from corruption risks that can be crippling for businesses by reducing profitability and damaging the company’s reputation.
In her keynote speech, Federation of Kenya Employers Executive Director Jacquline Mugo said that despite market reforms, several business surveys reveal that business corruption is still widespread and that companies frequently encounter demands for bribes and informal payments to ‘get things done’ in Kenya. A trend that has contributed to an increased cost of doing business in Kenya.
We must, as businesses acknowledge our role in this vice. We can only make strides in the fight against corruption by coming together as all stakeholders. We all have a role to play as government officials, civil servants, law enforcement officers, media representatives, the private sector, civil society, academia, the public and youth alike,” Ms. Mugo said.On her part, Kenya National Chambers of Commerce Industries (KNCCI) Second Vice President and the CEO of Milestones Resource Solutions Fatma Elmaawy said that good business ethics is essential for the long-term success of any organization.
“Ethical businesses last longer by 3000%. A company’s ethics will influence all levels of
business. It will influence all who interact with the company, including customers, employees,suppliers, and competitors, making understanding ethics a very important part of business today,” Ms. Fatma said.
Integrity Champions Network is expected to galvanize action amongst private sector players and increase momentum in the pursuit of an ethical business environment.Participants, drawn from multiple sectors, including government representatives discussed the reforms that many African countries have implemented to strengthen governance and the rule of law, and address corruption.
Ethics 1st Governance and Corporate Ethics compliance benchmark is based on Internationally
recognized standards adapted for business operations in emerging markets.
To enhance awareness of corruption and inculcate ethics & integrity in business CIPE and Milestones Resource Solutions (MRS) have been conducting Business Ethics Training in Kenya since 2016 and have convened two Africa Business Ethics Conferences in Kenya the first in 2019 and the second in 2021.
Ethics 1st Solution: agreed to the following resolutions and outcomes:Broad-based adherence to sound corporate governance, management; ethics and integrity frameworks; Increase investor trust, promote fair competition & promote corporate responsibility;Reduce the cost of doing business and the risk of cross-border investment; Enable partnerships between foreign investors and local businesses; and to facilitate trade and encourage sustainable growth and development of Small businesses and industries.