Kenya Power has commissioned the 66/11KV EPZ substation athe EPZ substation. boosting the stability of electricity supply...
Editorial Desk
Private sector players are exploring ways to enable refugees in the country to work online and deliver...
Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has settled on a Japanese firm for the verification of all second-hand...
The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Co-operatives has announced new subsidized fertilizer prices after the government...
BCG to acquire Quantis to further strengthen Climate and Sustainability (C&S) expertise and transformation capability ...
A potential ‘Brain Drain’ of talented youth in Africa means that governments across the continent are going...
Kenya Airways (KQ) has announced plans to resume its daily flights for the New York route with...
Kenya Roads Board (KRB) has tapped the former Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) Chief Executive Phyllis Wakiaga...
Kenya Airways has announced a partnership with Zenz Technologies for an integrated airline revenue management decision support...
Electricity generating firm KenGen has signed an MoU with Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, which will...